canon zr100.png mini dv tape.png
canon zr100.png
canon_gl2-removebg-preview.png vcr.gif vhsanddvd.gif dvd logo.gif
mini dv tape.png

The first edit I made with analogue hardware which was my dad's old family cam with an iphone fisheye lens taped to it. Posted in November 2020

Posted only a month after I bid farewell to the canon zr100 after having problems with the tape deck malfunctioning So I scraped together all of the leftover footage I had on this camcorder.

After a lucky find on Facebook marketplace I grabbed myself a Canon GL2 with a proper fisheye lens and the closest camera I could get to a vx1000. I've sadly only filmed one edit as the tape deck got screwed up hence the cheaper price. I did recently create a tapeless setup with this guy so I may come back to filming>:)

skate anim4.gif Mini Dv edits.png skate back 180.gif globe back.gif camcorder.gif camera spin.gif camera spin 2.gif