photography text.png
film text.png friends text.png
early grab.JPGoct 2023 clown show.JPGcherry blossom.jpgsonic crop top.JPG

A collection of film photos that some wonderful friends have captured of me at shows or while skateboarding. I've always been obsessed with trying to capture everything on camera in some way or another.

pride 2023 show.JPGdispo-removebg-preview.png
my pookie bear.JPGnew year finger point.jpgalana film.JPGcocoon concert minion.jpgtwister w colby.JPG

Photos of my wonderful friends who have shaped me into the person I am today + my awesome hot girlfriend who is the love of my life>:) This little section is essentially a digital scrapbook of pals

bb at park.jpgnicolle bday.jpgnick gold joint.JPG
landscape text.png
cows in the grass.JPGautumn leaves on a trail.jpgjust beach.JPGwestwood.jpgdouble rainbow.JPG

Typically in my disposable camera roll I end up taking a few nature or landscape shots here and there. 

cowprint pano.jpgdavinky.jpgshelf collection.jpgtennis light switch.jpgdsi camera.jpgheritage park.jpg

All of the photos that don't fit the other categories. 

misc photos.png bar of film.gifbar of film.gif rewind.gif nature fairy.gifflower clipart.gifheart banner.gifstar banner.gif
home nature.gif