sonic heroes.png SMM luigi.png neon white dude.png marble-it-up-ultra_logo.png skyrim logo.png blops 2 logo.png halo logo.png mimic ds1.png melee FD.png vrchat logo.png metalsonic.gif cd spin.gif dragon castle.gif black marble.gif zombieanim.gif
Video Game Shrines
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Not really a part of any shrine but I dedicated a good day or so getting on the top 10 leaderboard for this switch game called nicky the home alone golf ball. I think it was just one of those titles that not many people have played as I got this on my 2nd playthrough. I didn't really think this would fit in the speedrunning section either so I'm plopping this here to fill up some space lol. I just really strive in games that have ball in the title.

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